Dearborn County SWCD offers technical assistance to the public, government entities, and private entities for all urban water quality related issues.
If you would like more information about the Construction Stormwater General Permit or MS4, urban best management practices, or the Erosion Control Ordinance, contact the Dearborn County SWCD office at (812) 926-2406 ext. 3. Please ask for the Storm Water Coordinator, Kyla Dick, or you may email:
To submit a SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan): Please email pdf format to Kyla Dick, Stormwater Coordinator at
To submit an erosion complaint: Please email the SWCD Stormwater Coordinator, Kyla Dick at or call the SWCD Office at (812)926-2406 ext. 3. Include a reason for the complaint, the location (address, landmarks, GPS coordinates), and your contact information.
Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly important topic globally as populations continue to grow and water sources continue to deplete. Sustainability is the goal, and with implementing erosion control measures and best management practices, we hope to limit the pollutants reaching our waters and to have clean and useable water in the county for years to come.