The Circuit Court serves Dearborn and Ohio Counties under Judge F. Aaron Negangard and Magistrate Jerry Charls. The Dearborn Circuit Court is located on the second floor of the historic Dearborn County Courthouse, 165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana.
Circuit Court has exclusive jurisdiction in all probate matters, including estates, guardianships, adoptions, and trusts. Circuit Court also has exclusive jurisdiction over all juvenile matters including child in need of services cases.
Other types of cases the Circuit Court handles include civil cases involving more than $10,000 and major felony cases (Class C and above). The Juvenile Court maintains the Redirect Program to provide intensive services and supervision to youth. The Dearborn County Juvenile Center is also under the Dearborn Circuit Court jurisdiction.
The Circuit Court has established the Dearborn-Ohio County Child Advocate Program to help provide a voice to children involved in the Court system. For more information regarding this program call (812)537-8741 or access the program website at